[Misc] BotF X - New World Chaos - Game Thread (Evil Wins)

but the Ambassador doesn’t have that problem, because so long as all players know you can’t pick the Ambassador character…

i think that chairman as a role in general is kind of scuffed and needs to be reworked
“if you try to abuse this for information” is super hard to rule

i mean
it’s what they did on professor

but yeah i agree chairman is weird

also this happened

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i thought professor was “Once per game, at night*, choose a dead player: if they are a Townsfolk, they are resurrected.”
no head-shaking if they select a non-townsfolk, just an ability fail

dead player

if you attempt to use the dead player to pick a player who died that night, then…

granted it probably isn’t the most efficient usage of your ability, since it’s just a budget protect

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it refreshes their abiltiy
so it can hard-confirm the professor to somebody else

oh fair enough
thats technically allowed by the rules but i would just allow prof to pick living players w no effect as a home rule to disallow super weird stuff like that and it’s ~fine

i think the fundamental problem is that there is no way to play chairman without shooting in the dark at east some

that’s fair

because if the outsiders are outted, it’s probably not a very good idea to pick them

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maybe make chairman learn an outsider at the start of the game?

something like “each night* choose a player, the first outsider you pick swaps characters and alignments with the demon”
might be to similar to snake charmer but snake charmer works for a reason
if you dont want to activate your ability you can just choose yourself

also make it a “may”

fair enough but i stylistically like it better since you can just pick yourself to avoid activating your ability

also if there’s more than one draconis in play you can technically with the current wording have two living dracones :^)

okay that’s fair

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i got an official ruling from besjbo: what happens when the Assassin chooses the Ambassador?


although i will say that the whole whisper mechanics worked well on forums and probably worked significantly smoother than they would irl

storm catch the ambassador
I see nothing wrong with this :^)

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