[Misc] BotF X - New World Chaos - Game Thread (Evil Wins)



/whisper @Nightingale

Please actually reach the info about the sleeper role and itā€™ll answer that question. Itā€™s an idiotic question for any villager that has read it to ask.




Itā€™s not idiotic for him to ask it because thereā€™s a very well possibility for Double Agent to be in-play and for you to be tricked by that imo considering what FK is claiming

leafia there is no way to tell the difference between a double agent and a sleeper on the first night
the two have completely indistuingishable effects

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They can. It can be both ways. The ST is completely capable of just giving someone a role instead of branding it if they want.

ST can choose which characters are in-play.

However, for them to selectively decide who is who, they probably shouldnā€™t do that

How do you know? Youā€™re not Eli and it even says in the OP that thereā€™s a possibility that they could do that to someone.

Atlas you should probably stop talking to Leafia since I think this conversation will be very pointless.

itā€™s true but they can
the real reason this is dumb is because there is legitimately no reason to discuss this, and yet we still are for some reason, even though Leafia has absolutely fulfilled their madness condition if they are Sleepeer

Iā€™m not even sure if thatā€™ll stop me from finding out honestly.

Yes I am aware.

Iā€™m trying to branch off to other subjects.

For example.

Magnusā€™s defense from FKā€™s attack.

That was garbage

itā€™s magnus, he always defends himself in a strange and stilted manner

So you would say this defense is NAI?

not having read it I canā€™t make a judgement but thatā€™s my immediate impression just off experience, yes

Itā€™s this one Ici

oh yeah no thatā€™s just Magnus being Magnus

Except me that is. I know Iā€™m not the agitprop and that Iā€™m the sleeper.

yes we KNOW could you please stop talking about it? your madness condition is 100% satisfied by now if you are Sleeper
