[Misc] BotF X - New World Chaos - Signups (8/13)

Alright, I’ll take Angel.
It’s going to bait people into attacking me for the lulz anyway, but whatevs.

everyone take the angel


itll be funny

jokes on you
i’m killing you with Activist ability
(that’s a joke lads)

I’m completely helpless without an Angel literally unplayable


so… no

what’s am i gonna do?
make another player the ST?

it’s a joke

ill steal st position midgame

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yes, i am aware

it is needs be that i shower

I can’t believe you would do this.
I’ll just be mad every day about it.

the agitprop had you mad about this:
“I am glad the ST killed me with Activist ability”

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sorry, but i don’t make the rules

Mad about denying it?

Wait, the statement doesn’t have to be something you actually said?

also might isn’t fun

I want to make people say stuff about them personally they aren’t

“I really hate that the ST made me the activist, but I’m pretty glad I died from that ability. Alanis Morissette would call that comedic irony.”

the only reason “might” is there is so Eli can choose not to kill you in order to frame you for lying

yeah but if I made someone be mad about having extreme anger and agitation about Trump not being re-elected pretty sure that won’t count if they break it