[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)


Everyone has passed.

Chad emails Apprentice sum cards.

Apprentice exchanges 1 card.

It is now Jane’s turn


:exclamation: I claim Duke and gain 3 coins this turn

Jane contacts Bill Gates for 3 coins.

Players may pass or challenge the claim.

Also where does Jane keep finding these cat pics from


Whysper passes


Apprentice passes

Gahhh… I wish I had reason to doubt you lol.
If I knew there were 2 dukes in the main deck, I’d challenge you so fast but I got no info.


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PKR passes


Solic Passes

Jane gains 3 coins.

It is now @Solic’s turn.

Game A Overview

Player Card 1 Card 2 Coins
Whysper Graverobber ??? 3
PKR ??? ??? 8
Apprentice ??? ??? 2
Jane ??? ??? 8
Solic ??? ??? 4

:exclamation: I claim Inquisitor. I gain 2 coins and look at the top and bottom cards of the deck.

I claim Sorcerer :flushed: