[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)

Solic does the Inquisitor thing.

Players can pass or challenge le claim.


Jane le passes.


Ce chat est bonne and adorable

Why you scurred to challenge Solic

Why would I?


Whysper passes


To be a gamer


Apprentice Passes


PKR passes

We’ve all passed


Solic does the Inquisitor thing. He gains 2 coins and learns the top and bottom cards of the deck.

Round 2 Has Ended!

Round 2 Summary

Whyser uses Income to gain 1 coin.

PKR claims to have a Duke and attempts to gain 3 coins.
No one challenges the claim.
PKR gains 3 coins.

Apprentice claims to have an Ambassador and attempts to exchange cards.
No one challenges the claim.
Apprentice exchanges 1 card.

Jane claims to have a Duke and attempts to gain 3 coins.
No one challenges the claim.
Jane gains 3 coins.

Solic claims to have an Inquisitor and attempts to gain 2 coins and learn the top and bottom cards of the deck.
No one challenges the claim.
Solic gains 2 coins and learns the top and bottom cards of the deck.

Game A Overview

Player Card 1 Card 2 Coins
Whysper Graverobber ??? 3
PKR ??? ??? 8
Apprentice ??? ??? 2
Jane ??? ??? 8
Solic ??? ??? 6

Round 3 begins, starting with @Whysper

:exclamation: I take income and gain 1 coin.