[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)


Whysper pulls out a RPG points it directly at PKR. PKR is seemingly unfazed.

PKR and App both pass

Umm, my name is Whysper. I think Iā€™d be a little quieter as an assassin. :slight_smile:

RPGs are very quiet if everyone is dead from the explosion and canā€™t hear anything.


Okay, you heard it from the host. My RPG is going to kill everyone else. :slight_smile:

Shame that itā€™s your turn to die

Wait n-



Since everyone passedā€¦

I lose my Duke!

I claim Assassin and Assassinate Whysper

Everyone has passed.

Whysper shoots the RPG at PKR and completely destroys his arm.

Surprisingly, the explosion didnā€™t hit anyone nearby somehow.

PKR loses a Duke.

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PKR pays 3 coins and pulls out a RPG of his own and points it directly at Whysper. No one knows where these two keep getting their RPGs fromā€¦

Players may pass, challenge the Assassin claim or Whysper may block the Assassination Attempt by claiming to have a Contessa.

/Pass Iā€™ve learned my lesson

Solic passes


Apprentice passes

:crossed_swords: I challenge your Assassin claim!

Whysper grabs PKRā€™s rock propelled launcher and aims it at the ceiling. She shoots the RPG and the ceiling breaks, crashing down and killing her.

PKR reveals an Assassin.

Whysper loses a card and loses an Assassin as well!

Whysper has died.

You all have 24 hours now to either pass or claim Graverobber.


RIP Whysper. :angel:

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