[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)

PKR calls for Foreign Aid and gains 2 coins.

It is now @Apprentice’s turn

:exclamation: I take foreign aid


Apprentice calls for Foreign Aid.

App gains 2 coins

@Jane It’s ur turn

:exclamation: I call for Foreign Aid

This feels like “He who acts last wins” in this case.

Jane calls for Foreign Aid and gains 2 coins.

Le @Solic turn now

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If Solic coups anyone but Jane, Jane gains their money.
Meaning Jane can coup safely and have enough to re-coup shortly after.

If Solic coups Jane. It’s up to me/App who coups who.
But if I coup first, App coups me in return.
Same vice versa.

This is very much a part where we have to be slow but not too slow.

Also: If Solic chooses not to coup, then Jane has enough coins to coup next turn anyway unless they lose some.

So logically Jane would coup whoever has most coins (Solic) so they can win in a 1v1v1 by having control basically.

This means Solic somewhat has to coup.

We’re at a stand off

solic chooses person to lose game

next person to coup loses as kingmaker

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only thing that messes with this is graverobber I think, but that’s avoided by us not being the stupid

coup basically always comes down to kingmaker with extra steps tho


Who should I coup out of you and why? :thinking:

I think you gotta Coup Jane cuz Graverobber. otherwise they coup back to back

If you coup me or App you lose.
If you coup Jane you probably still lose but like it’s guaranteed loss if you don’t coup Jane

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Man I really don’t want to coup Jane.

Math is hard.

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