[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)

Fine then.
I accept your challenge.
I know I lose otherwise so I kinda have to and it feels fun.

I’m going to go through these things.

You do not have a graverobber. If you did then you would’ve claimed it earlier in order to gain enough money to eliminate myself or Jane since they were your graverobber challenge.

You do not have a Duke because they’re gone.
You never had a Contessa. That claim was a lie to make me challenge you and I refused to do so.

I know I’ve genuinely had an assassin. And Whisper had one too. I believe that there’s 1 left alone simply because you’ve not “changed your card”

Although you’ve claimed the inquisitor I also have never believed you have that. I just wished to let you seem more of a threat due to making money and information. Call it insurance.

I believe this whole time you have had a Captain. 2 of the same card which is pretty unfortunate.

No matter what card you have, you might as well reveal it. Since I’m promising that if I’m wrong, I’m going to coup Apprentice. I hope you have the same courtesy of telling the truth.

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So you believed I lied when I outed my inquisitor information to Jane, interesting.

I’ll reveal it once Apprentice ends their turn, because maybe they want to weigh in something there too.

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The fun thing is, you don’t even need to have lied with the “inquisitor information”, Solic.
After all, you get the result of your action unless challenged anyway.

And you claimed Inquisitor… unchallenged.
It doesn’t mean you have to have one… just to get your information.

No, I mean, I said I saw two Captains using an Inquisitor, so I’d have been lying about that if I was holding two Captains.

Oh. I thought you said you saw one. Haha.
Fair enough.

Don’t forget that when someone was challenged e.g. me.
We draw the top card then the deck is shuffled iirc.

So I personally know what was “on top” when I got my cards.

Yea, for like 75% of the game I thought that cards that were exposed on players were actually shuffled back into the deck instead of just being removed from play, so it screwed up a bit what I thought other players knew about the cards remaining.

I actually had considered claiming Duke when 3 Dukes were out for this reason as well


wait I did not agree to this

how about if PKR wrong he coups you and I winner

a true gamble for the game if you will


By the way ping me for any actions so I don’t miss them

@PokemonKidRyan yo c’mere and talk

I can do, but, what are you wishing for me to say.
Don’t you wish to play Solic’s game?

What’s their role?

alright you willing to bet the game on guessing Solic’s card?

I mean I cannot win so yeah

as in you coup solic if wrong and you coup me if right after solic resigns

you win if you’re right about the card wdym

I win if I get it right.
If not, I lose.

If I don’t participate, I would lose by default…

So I am forced to join in on this.
It’s fun though

oh I see yeah I was aware of that

but I mean are you willing to coup solic if you’re wrong

I’m couping you if I’m wrong.
Simply because I’m honourable and Solic gave me a chance to win.

Which otherwise you didn’t give to me.