[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation


Hi Magnus! How are you?

Feeling excellent. Nothing can bring me down.

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That’s the spirit! I am glad you are feeling as upbeat and awesome as ever!

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Even gravity?

If gravity didn’t bring me down, I would be burning away to atoms in the heart of the sun.
You better hope I’m not immune to gravity.

Amended the 2 surviving blackened rule.

  • In the case of two different Blackeneds for two victims the Blackened to be found will be the killer of the victim whose body was first discovered, and the killer of the other victim will just become a normal participant.


Sigh I missed out being one of the main players.

But don’t you just love such cruuuueeelllll despair?


Are you saying you’re giving up your spot for me?

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Just allow hydras.

i’m not exactly sure how well hydra’s would work in a thing like this

if alice wants to allow them then sure

but dissonance is very possible


ngl I’m actually so hyped for this as long as I don’t rand Mastermind

I’m hoping I roll Mastermind

i’m hoping i roll mastermind

I will make everyone’s win condition to compliment me constantly

screw incentives I want praise

i want to hoard a ton of shit then start a black market

If anyone is willing to give up their spot for me, that would be nice. :sunglasses:

yeah sure why not

I can go in backups and crich takes my slot



You two confirm this?

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