[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

Can someone tell me whether this has been answered directly before
Is it possible for player actions to influence the kill roll success chance? (not counting abilities of some sort that directly modify the chance a la luck stat)
They aren’t told of the attack if it falls of course but still

Yeah, like if you put another player to sleep or if they’re tied up then they’re easier to kill.

What happens if the murder would not create blood. I assume other things that can be found during evidence gathering would be left behind instead?

I meant more on the preventative end

“weird, I found this pill bottle that’s just full of blood”

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Yep. The murder weapon and items used to help commit the murder can’t be dropped too far away from the crime scene and the victim’s belongings also cannot be moved.

Plus, after every body discovery I’ll be giving people a Monokuma File which gives a light overview of what happened to the body and a very loose approximation of the time of death.

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oh god but I love being tied up I could so easily be convinced oh god oh fuck

no thats me

why do you exist

for all of you to suffer

Ye, and these typically should not reveal evidence the killer is/has attempting to disguise.

Pretty much.

If we take my murder of Zone in Sul’s game. It would not reveal exactly when he died and not specify a cause of death but be vague like “Zone recieved multiple external and internal injuries from an explosion. He also bled out a lot from his wounds. He had difficulty breathing shortly before he died.”

So whens rand going out?


you are not CRAB

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Read Title.


Today sometime.

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