[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

@Alice, I need you to respond to these as well. Also…

For the sake of wasting time: “What defines as a room?”

…I didn’t know breakfast lasts until lunch.


It’s called brunch

No u

Brunch, the eating time that takes over nine hours to finish. Imagine how big your stomach must be to be able to eat nine hours worth of food…

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@DatBird, do you have any names for breakfast, lunch and dinner combined? It’s basically either only one meal, or one LOOONG meal.

…you know, it’s technically also a valid tactic to say “I will do X after I finish dinner” when it is midnight. That way, you have around 18 hours to prepare for whatever X is.

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…I veto monomeal. It’s fitting to the theme of the game, and it literally means “one meal” …which is quite tragic if you only get one meal in one day.



Uh is that what Americans call lunch?
Pardon me for being ignorant here.

I’m quite concerned that Alice choked on her breakfast.


Well this game should have started by now no?

nah theres like two ways something is brunch where its like just breakfast lunch combined, or like ur eating a lunch meal at LIKE SUPER EARLY IN THE MORNING, OR A BREAKFAST MEAL AT LUNCH. caps turned on midway ignore it. im not retyping

game already started you just got left behind



Oh I see. Good to know.

Then why aren’t we in a different thread then and this thread is still open?

to thoroughly bamboozle you