[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

we’re all Leon


Yes, I confirm.



@Alice I’m still playing. Though I got black listed, so it’s up to you if you want to me play or get subbed out.



move to

/spec i guess not like im gonna play

You got blacklisted for FoL and FM; not for Misc.

It’s up to host discretion if i’m able to play Misc games anyway.

thats an interesting question of if it applies to miscs or not lemme see if its in rules

oh yah it’s up to host discrescion

It’s up to host’s discretion for sure, but you are officially blacklisted from FoL and FM only nonetheless. In other words, the host can deny your participation, but it cannot be “because you are blacklisted for all types of games”.

Ah yes that makes sense.

@Alice, who have yet to respond?


…wdym probably?

I’m down…

I think everyone has been online now so we just waiting for Alice

We’re just waiting for Alice to say go here.

…I forgot whether this was asked before, but what happens to the Blackened who survived the Class Trial? Will they escape the game, or will they remain trapped in school?

24 Rooms… (1+24)*(0.5*24)=25*12=300
300 Pathways… Alright. We will see how well this “secret passage” is hidden.
