[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/confirm Like a human being, goddamnit

Max, don’t speak. Next game.

There’s a pouch tied to the ceiling. How do you get it?

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Dad, can I climb on your back?


Throw something at it to loosen the knot

I found the pouch! My items!

GamerPoke does not have the pouch.

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I bang my head on every wall (Looking for maybe a hidden area or switch

We all know that. sadly

It is out of reach

Does my throwing something at it method work?

Throw what tho?

My heart

@GamerPoke become a base so we can climb on top of you and reach it

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DO actions in bold or i won’t count it.

No, my pouch! You do it


no you do it

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/Jump for it and grab it

how high is the ceiling