[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

please in future when your trying to get around the puzzle, which i am fine in general with, at least think it through rather than just do it. you dont need to rush past magnus


/dig around the dirt floor

/leave the elevator

simon seems to know what he is doing lol

/exits elevator

I gotta check for something first

/go into elevator and search for batteries in the floor

/give simon key

Yeh he does. Which means we should look around the dirt floor.

It’s almost like he’s been in one of these games before.



Tru tru

Did @Magnus die again.

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its almost like one of the rooms from the previous take was this exact puz–

oh my god i think i know the gimmick

poke i think we’re going backwards through the rooms

What gimmick.

What the hell are you two on about.

Bestie, is there something you aren’t telling me?

Ya, I’m gunna dig like last time

De ja vu

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last game.
and im not your bestie

Not you. Poke is.