[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Simon I meant the rope was around the box, keeping it shut.


/open it then


Is it weak or strong rope simon

safety first


simon pulls out a lightbulb triumphantly.

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Here comes the electric shock

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/do the thing with the lamp while its unplugged

i meant pulled apart. From the box.

/take the rope with us


the lightbulb has been added to the lamp.

Margaret pockets the rope.

/while lamp is still unplugged flip the switch

we’re waiting.

/dig through the boxes, checking to confirm there is nothing inside

/finally replug the lamp

perhaps this light will help

Margaret finds nothing, or so it seems to the peopl with her.

Simon plugs the lamp in. It shows light, and reveals a door with a peephole. The door locks locked. Perhaps a lockpick could open it?