[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

i destroy it to make sure it will never get on someone hand

what did it do???

it will trigger some sort of mechanical in the tv, dunno what it’s but nothing good will come out of it for sure

how do you know that

my sense


by that i mean, there is some voice in my head screaming about the remote

sure, just listen to the schizophrenia, why not?

it won’t shut up until i destroy the remote

gonna be honest, your going to be a bit more specific as to how you know thats truthful if im to believe you

now then Mr.Simon, what happen in the library?

well first of all the quotes magnus showed you were not responses to you.
they were either bastard misquotes or just noises you heard from inside the wall

second, for reasons i shall not discuss atm, we were at first refraining from letting you enter the library. then when i thought it pertinant to invite you we found out we couldnt open the door

bada bing bada boom, some stuff happened, now we’re here at this room.
will go into more detail if either @GamerPoke or @Margaret comes online and okays it

also, i dont have info for this room b/c marg progresed while i was offline.

something to do with the thermostat

no duh.
but the hints usually point toward traps and useful items more then the main puzzle

can you thawed the ice btw?

not with the stuff i got personally.
im more dealing in info atm.
but i do have a couple contacts that could bring out a thing or two.
@Magnus do we still have access to the library?

I suppose so.