[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/without opening it, tie rope around door handle

Margaret had tears in her eyes.

/drop rope

/crawl on the floor and go to corner

Its tear gas

Dont worry

Margaret dropped the rope as Simon went to grab it.

are you sure it won’t kill you?

can we just assume that unless you are actively witholding something, the other person doesnt know what it is, or your separated, we can just use the items others are holding?

/specifically tie a slipknot so my hands arent fiddling near the door knob

Yes, you can use items privately unless it specifically says others will be alerted.

You can use other items if revealed and willing.

Simon let me do it

no i mean like i could just use marg’s rope without her saying “i give it to simon” since shes not actively withholding it, i know she has it, and we’re not separated

Simon sighs of relief as years of scout training pays off.





/crawl out of the way of the door, and make sure everyone else is out of the way, then pull on the rope to open the door

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the door swings open as 300 bullets come firing through.

Inb4 thr rope breaks and you didnt turn it

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no player is injured.

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