[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Well Boss didnt dodge @Magnus

/steal the teddy

yeah dont care right now i totally would have at least tried to dodge im focusing on that for now

are you on the ground?

the axe cut into Boss’s shoulder.

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maybe idk

/Push him onto the carpet saving the axe if I can

thank for the drink, btw

Simon is dying on the ground

Dat is bleeding.

boss is also bleeding but on adrenaline rush

Poke is unharmed.

@Margaret u alive u could probably save the day

Who is in most danger rn?

i stand by i shouldnt have been fucking hit in the head. im fine with him hitting me but it should at least be somewhere else, because and i cant stress this enough, if i knew he was a couple meters away i wouldnt have tried to smack the gun out of his hand

/crawl to SImon and start trying to help his wounds

its in my cheek you cant just plug a hold in your cheek

@Magnus i am fine with the bullet hitting somewhere else, but it’s all you choice

the bullet went through his cheek, not hitting his brain but bleeding on both sides.

I guess but im trying my best i dont want to have another dead one on my hands

even boss himself is fine with it.

/chuck Rubix cube at Bosses head

Simon, you didnt dodge. Just deal with being jumped at