[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

probably safer to not

If he is the traitor then he isnt dead

the hole is dark. Thereā€™s no telling how deep it is,

Simon, flashlight!

at least, in future (especially for timed/combat scenarios)
could you try to let the person know when stuff like that happens where it blatantly wont work because of a thing that in game they would see but just wasnt described, and possibly try and let them take another action that round of combat instead @Magnus?
i feel like this would be fair imo

do we drop the lighter?

  • Simon
  • Datbird
  • GamerPoke

0 voters

who do you choose?

also did i throw my rubix cube did that process

Simon, itā€™s not fair when people can just didge everything


yes, but i want to be able to try and do something, and it feels really unfair when you cant even attempt to do something in a round because of something that just wasnt described

Itā€™s timed for a reason. If you cant make a good choice in the time, you get hit

Also, control it Simon

yeah but when i dont get to do anything for something that wasnt described to me but my char would have plainly see i feel completely cheated out of a round. preferrably he would let the person know before the other personā€™s action was revealed.

or perhaps we can call a metagaming thing where you try and do what you would have done without that knowledge

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When someone pulls up a gun on you, even tho you can see the gun, most of the time you may not be able to dodge it

thats literally not even what my point is

Can we just continue

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SIMon will control Mia. Simon, PM me when ready.

note to all here. i will preface all stuff for mia with the first line being:

and also, i may or may not be taking my minimal deaths philosophy when playing as her, depending on what i learn about her. so dont trust her just because you trust me