[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Ability results arent done I think

oh sorry didnt realize

Going to go do stuff

I kinda want to sleep since its 1:30 am but like i wanna play this

(To play or not to play. That is the question)
:man: :raised_hand:

well theres a skeleton here so imma get some sleep

@Margaret, @Simon and @Boss110 I’m back.

oh hi


Can you send a message through the private connection please?

you mean i should send you new DM?

No. Say something where i sent you the passive.


/crawl to the desk, avoiding any obvious traps


I’m back, I had to sleep. What happened?

A lot, but don’t worry all of us is still alive

/pick up glass safely and carefully and start seing if it makes a picture if put back together

what’s happening

oh okay do you need me to jump for something

Not yet. Soon I’ll need you to catch my flying soul tho cause I’m bout to die