[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

ooh what type of math questions i know im not marg but i like matth

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Math is fun

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it depends

geometry sucks: algebra is meh

You know whats fun probability and statistics, they were my favorite for some reason

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I like algebra best

personally im an algebra person.
i like to deal in equations.
but besides, this does actually have a purpose in game. somehow

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@Emilia can we have a pro trade? Let me poison myself with the white potion pls

White potion isn’t poison

Hj, pls

But but

Plez. I asked nicely

: (

Comeon Hj

/gives gamer

Gotta wait for 3 hours 32 mins

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oh boy

1 hour remains


15 minutes remain

4 minutes

2 minutes