[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape


im pretty sure marg has been shot too

i mean is it a passive/ability and what does that ability say. cause this is kinda important rn

Simon, Wazza was shot in the lung and marg was shot in the leg, but she’s treated it with gauze and alcohol

Ability. but Magnus denied it. It’s all over

im in and out a lot because of dnd but @s really get my attention

okay then.
@DatBird has your wound been treated at all?

Ah wait, I actaully need red potion. Red potion counts as poison

red should be used offensively

against boss

Naw, use white

i would really like the wording on this ability.

I have pressure and my shirt on it

Red is more important for me


the wording is important on it, as for how you use the red.
does it consume the red liquid?
does it convert the red liquid to another?
does it have to use the whole potion at once?
do you have to actively use the potion or can you do something first then go do your healing, so it can then be used offensively?
a lot of this can be cleared up with the wording on the ability

Because then I can do my thing, and help Wazza out


You do that

When will boss die to my suffocation by pillow

Im gunna use the potion