[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/try to bless the fire from the trapdoor proximity

that can still effect me?
we’re not in the same room.

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/sip the green lets keep moving
/examine the gen more closely to see how one might get inside @Magnus

there was a small gap, only large enough for an arm.

rubs hands
My turn

/sticks hands inside generator, trying to fix it

you pulled out a key, snapped in half.

/look around for some flex tape

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/reach in for other piece

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you had two parts of the key.

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hey light can i have the rest of that blue?

/feint throwing it at simon, before walking over and handing it to him

my burns are quite horrible right now.

/flinches visbly, then slowly hobbles over to light and accepts

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/drinks it all, or however much is necessary to make my burns stop hurting

anyone got any white potion for the key

we can make more by mixing blue and green


Do we have anymore blue stuff after simon drinks?


half’s a cup. But why don’t you use gauze? There’s some all over Marg.

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