[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/reinforce blessing on door

Take the gauze from my super old leg wound if it still exists

ok guys heres the plan.
th priority right now is killing the zombos, and we cant do that with what we have here.

we need supplies.
in particular, liquids

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Technically we could

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so lets head back to the room with the liquids

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prolly not though


i think purples all that is left


its not burned down

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purple will be useful tho


i personally stopped the fire back in the cold room (we were in the room w/ the radio, but the fire stopped in the cold room)

Oh yeah

What happened to Mia

who knows. maybe we’ll meet her

/pull gauze from Marg, putting into kit, and inspecting the key if gauze will do the trick

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/bless the key

it looks like a Raven key. Gauze will work.


so heres the plan:
we head backwards, closing, locking, and blessing every lock behind us that we can.

/wrap gauze around key

we make the stuff we need to kill them as we go.
and eventually we’ll hole up in one of them rooms and set up a trap.

the key was repaired. (Also there’s a Raven door, remember?)