[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/run away*

He didnt say he stepped around when he went back

High chance of us dying


Datbird I swear

Hopefully its implied since I did it coming out of the elevator

Welcome, GamePlayers.

I feel proud, that you are still alive. In fact, you are the last group remaining. The First Party escaped, and the Third Party died. I’m impressed. In fact, only one survivor remains of Third Party.

sélect one of you to do a puzzle.


0 voters

that reminds me. Good luck.

I vote marg

Damn you

/bless electronically sealed door

No bomb this time.
Upturned nails

I thought it would be an impalment spike

Hey voice! Is the puzzle in a different room?

Im that third party btw

It was on a note


the electronically sealed door opened.

/steps around mat and reads Note ALOUD

@Magnus poke doesn’t count so 50/50 it

1 Like


Ill do the damn puzzlw

Reopened vote.

Code: 12k4gD8-Camera

Couldve said that in our bond