[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

the room was small. There was a Silver Door at the end, sealed shut with white liquid. There was a window. There was a desk, a chest, a fusebox requiring 4 fuses. There was a computer.

/smak dat wrench against the floor

the floor was hollow in the corner, unlike the rest of the room.

/poke hole in the floor there


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@Lightsin you good to go now.
window is our only way out. as it is now we wont survive the floor


there was a pouch in the floor.

Oh boy

/open chest, seeing what’s inside

also /grab the vial of liquid on the windowsil

/reveal that thing @Magnus

orange liquid. Reverses the effects of other liquids.

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the chest was locked. Requires a lockpick.

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/reveal item in pouch

/search desk drawers

there was a green fuse. Touching it healed your fingertips. It’s been dipped in green.

/hold on to it for now

there was a gauze and alcohol in a drawer. Can be mixed to stop bleeding. Last desk was locked.

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also did i ever get that phone back in the room with the puzzle?

pretty sure i said something about it