[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape



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Wazza still has it though, don’t think he got dragged along with us

well i did say i dragged along marg. and the security cams couldnt find anyone else whos alive…

@Wazza are you hiding in there?? wags finger

Well then I guess he got yeeted onto elevator with us

/grab the silver key from Wazza’s hand, using it to open door

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parachute is only 1 use tho

i.e. 1 person can use it


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Oh rite

thonk self

so @Magnus he opened the door?

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the door opened. The parachute was behind an electronically sealed glasss door (bulletproof).

gdi magnus

oh well.
/call 911

“911, what’s your emergency?”


“I have three fridges and I cant figure out which one has the pizza?”

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im simon [whatever my last name is] at the mansion?

“the burning one?” Disbelief.

yes, that one.
im trapped on the 6th floor with 3 others.
theres a window here we can open, but the fall is enough to kill us

which side of the building are you on?”