[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

in our room or near fk

Can I drink the blue liquid as well? I wanna be high as well

the lab door is opened. You are rejoined.

Simon, help me climb up

Thereā€™s a small bomb near the door knob

/listen for the direction the explosion came from

no one else should go through the window

The door is open. Theblmb is gone

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what was on the note fk?

Itā€™s thedoor that lead out of the lab.

Only one person is leaving this place. Donā€™t let it be you

/take all 3 liquids carefully on the way out

Magnus, can I drink the blue liquid too?

woah ominous

the liquids arenā€™t on the table.

Isnt the door on the other side tho?

nu im not letting you be high

drink the liquid I have a liquid to heal yall

Reee, I wanna feel happiness for once >:(

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/grab the blue liquid and place it in my pocket