[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Guys, someone’s willing to give me the blue liquid! Fuck yeah!

hey guys lets be quiet and before you yell at me i just want yall to take a look on the ceiling

no, bad squid

no yelling please

What’s at the celling

a bomb
its triggered by sound
i am scare
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so what you are saying is…

Oh shit, I’m sorry


/runs away

Simon you seem to know a lot of things before they happen, you secretly create this place?

/run away from the room as fast as i can

i swear to god fk if you kill us all…


Sorry guys idk what came over me

/Runs out of the room

thank god im still in the lab i never left

Run out of the room SIMON

no i did not. i didnt know the gun was there, poke found it. i just know a little bit about each room

hurry up and follow me
wait i think i am still in the lab