[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

that wasn’t me I swear

Also squid I’ll remember that

Not trusting me with a key cause I tried stabbing someone

I’ll remember that

No, I mean I want everyone to know if FK’s helmet is off

@Magnus can I dupe this key ?

magnus I don’t understand this game

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where df do I come in and stab everyone to death


It’s quite complicated one might say

Magnus, did FK take off his helmet or not?

Isaac you’re second party.

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Has he used his key?


My Fatal Mistake ability does it work with keys

If he did, it wasn’t one from this room


FireKitten Unlocked his helmet.

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so squid hail bird and hippo are with me

/hands Gamer my key I cant dupe keys i guess son


hi traitor