[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

but whatever. /passes fk!bottle to @GamerPoke

what exactly was it

Make a person cough blood and die in two rooms if not treated

/Use medicine

See I’m a nice and trustworthy guy

i suspect the game mechanics for the medicine bottles are as follows:
effectively infinite small sips which just reduce pain without changing states.
1/4 bottle for minor heals
and 1/2-whole bottle for major heals

Wait, so Simon. You do know about that hidden killing ability?

i know someone has it. and i know 1 room in which they were with us. nothing else

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LThat makes some sensual

Does it take time for medicine to activate Simon?

no idea

its either instant or depends on the injury.
poison in particular might take a bit for it to work into poke’s bloodstream

@GamerPoke please reveal your passive/abilities

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oh yeah btw yall should be thankful im the one with the forcer ability i could have killed most of you by now if i wanted to

but i dont

My passive is quite obvious by now. I know all the abilities that people get other than the starting passive

do you know who gets them?

But magnus is being evil so he has only given me 2 abilities so far and said there were many more

Fate is a cruel mistress sometimes

do you know what i got last room then?
its not malicious and im fine with it being revealed