[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

for some reason i got one-time use ability

oh okay that was easy


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I got cat like reflexes which make me jump really high

But it was jest a joke…

so you want to work together?

should i say what it’s since i am a good boy

But dad needs me

it’s a yes or no

Keep it a secret imo

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No :pensive: sadly


Dont trust anyone

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I trust myself

To kill myself

Somehow banging my head on a sturdy door hasnt done it yet

We shpuld all just live here happily just like in Danganronpa vi

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don’t worry i am a secret bastard mechanic that is design to kill the host

also we should make a rule ourselves to prevent people from back stab us

How can we do that?

Kill all backstabbers


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