[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/flip it

dat lifts the mat up, revealing nothing underneath. He stares for a moment, before flipping the mat. Taped to the mat is a single fuse, with a battery inside it.

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ok anyone know how to disarm a bomb @Simon

You have the knife. Just believe

@Simon did defuse a bomb earlier, so I suppose he could.

is the rooms to the previous room still open?

“you dig randomly, and start hearing a slow beeping. You reach in and pull out a bomb, which starts Beeping insistently.” There’s another bomb!


no. Also i saw you Say something before. The fuse box Is on the same side you all are.

/Put the bomb in the further corner away from the door and run away to the opposite side

Hope i helped

Yes, Fk

/investigate the fuse box does it look like the bomb fits

the bomb explodes. It doesn’t have a very Big Bang, but it makes you all yelp and put your hands over your ears. It was a flashbang.


we should really make squid do this tbh

the fuse box is requires 4 fuses with batteries. There are 3 dead fuses and an empty fuse slot.

nah because if i die so does the knife the main problem yall have right now is that yall want dont trust each other with a knife /continue to dig

There’s a bomb everywhere you dig btw

dat digs some more and hits metal.