[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Its a Game World and Story Class pretty interesting

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  • The Host is the best
  • The Host is the coolest
  • The Host is Magnus, which literally means greatness.
  • The Host needs to calm down.

0 voters

Just a jokeā€¦ maybe :dagger:


Itā€™s worth it






I exist

Could u uhh process actions that were postponed yesterday

Like just pausing a game and unpausing it

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tick tock. Can you guys get here?


Just stort

Its just Boss and Datbird

Weā€™re fine without them

Hmm. I would, but only you three are here.

Fk, Marg, Simon, Dat, me

Simon, FK, me, Gamerpoke are not 3

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Correct thatā€™s 5

And dat

Guess itā€™s 6

Counting Squid?

huh. Well they arenā€™t here, are they? Iā€™ll try to get them over here.

Simon is liking posts and Dad will keep hopping in


So they are here