[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

not anymore

Dude you have potions!?

Help me out, I have hole in the side of me and a hole RIGHT THROUGH MY LUNGS

Yeah… we all basically do

But he doesnt have any healing ones

okay can someone ACTUALLY HELP THEN.

Make sure to specify between liquids and potions



This picked up hella steam, I like it

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Well, you control Mia now I guess. Gonna add you to chat

Hey if Im still allowed /take the partly yellow one

Light, today it’s 5pm EST


Can I get the green potion

@Wazza and @Margaret you’ll live if boss leaves before the encounter is over.
i have pretty good healing options, but to save supplies im going to have to give you guys very little to start with. any amount is enough to prevent you from dying to your injuries, it just doesing heal them so youll sadly still be in pain

@Emilia coordinate with marg so that when she steps off boss you just yeet that red potion straight at boss. that should kill him

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Wait, Simon, what does the green potion exactly do

I may have a plan

the only thing green and blue make is white which @Emilia has.
not to mention the multiple people who are wounded with bullet wounds

it accelerates the bodies natural healing

Dont worry about the healing, If someone can just poison me

there are 2 kinds of poison available to us, and im not sure you want either.
red, which isnt poison in the traditional sense, its an acid that eats away at your flesh. it does not have to be ingested for these effects to manifest
white, which is a super strong binding agent, and will close your throat straight up. again, does not need to be ingested for these effects to manifest.

Does 2 green+1 blue liquid make the white potion?