[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

a trapdoor opened and boss’s body fell through (and his head)


ahh. The reviving process

/follow after him through the staircase

I think he just lost his immunity

the staircase was on fire. You could see boss, in the patch of area you made fireproof

His hand is fireproof too now

Is he alive?

he looked dead. He had his head disconnected, but -

- he wasn’t bleeding

Hi guys, good job

Hi Marg, your welcome


I flipping figured

I did mess up

I mean… He is invincible so…

/Jump to his body Fire cant hurt me

Proceeds to immediately burn in the infernal fire


/douse staircase.

ahh, pure evil. Simon’s trying to kill me

/Come back up

You do know I couldve killed both you and simon

Stop being stupid and running into danger