[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

*cough cough* intentional ignoring here.

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cough cough Intentional prodding :]

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I must yolo for the lives of many

For the lives of few

*cough cough* what do you want?

/unlock the gold door

Run to the desk, grab the thing that was under it (if still there)

/return to gold door and relock


I hope I get what I left there back

are you sure you want to enter the basement?



Yolo for the (item)


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I must run through fire

And run through hell

To achieve greatness

And call the ghostbusters

Hi guys

Im a divine being now

sweet did i miss something is the game going on

I failed to finish off Boss tho

But hey

now you have a divine presence

okay everyone.
@Wazza @Lightsin @Margaret @DatBird
we need to move

in the basement.



Boss and Poke are now undead and require me to kill them

And Im unable to be hurt by their corruption

next room

/move to next room

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Can we just write 6/9

Since Poke and Boss cant be saved anymore