[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

I can jump really high but that’s about it

:man_shrugging: wish me luck dad

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I guess it just sucks I cant play. OOF

Gamer should go through it

Are you suggesting I’m skinny?

well, unless anyone here has a passive giving them quick reflexes, i suspect it means typing/responding quickly

I cant do that on mobile

perhaps @Margaret could do it



And no

If you get hurt while doing it I’ll let you drink my bottle of medical healing stuff

That was such a quick response

No you wont. You do it

you have a bottle of healy stuff?
i have a bottle of healy stuff

Firekitten has to do it or he dies

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Got it from the desk

Yes I will, I didn’t lie to Simon I don’t lie here

r e v e a l

Or its fake

/show the bottle of medical stuff and after that puts it in my pocket

We gotta wait for the voice in our heads

I feel like everyone should be in a party

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