[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape


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Dat is holding open the Elevator and Lightsin is about to open the raven door. Correct?

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Thatā€™s correct

Okay. As Light pulled the repaired Raven Key out of his pocket, there was a thud behind the door. It was something heavy.

Hi am alive.

My mindā€™s telling me no

But my body

My bodyā€™s telling me yes

open door

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do you unlock the door or not?

Deja Vu intensifies.


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The main group: Simon, Light, H_Hjasik (unless heā€™s dead permanent) Wazza, Dat, Marg.

there was a camera in the corner.

@Lightsin the door opened. It lead to a large, dark room. You couldnā€™t tell what was there.

Wait a minuteā€¦ whereā€™s Bestie and Squid?

Squid was first party.
Poke joined Boss as an accomplice.

Bestie wouldnā€™t have done that.

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Bestie saved my life and knew Boss attacked me so bestie wouldā€™ve never done that.

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ask the others.

Weā€™ve been to this floor before.

Well, Here goes nothing

/enter that room

/follow Lightsin to protect him with my wrench

the door slammed shut behind them.