[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

well should we at least try the piece of cake from earlier?

@Magnus is the desk metal or wood

no the thing has to go off for them to open the door

the desk is metalic.

bless da desk for durability

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/bless the desk and then push it to block the corridor


I guess it worked


/relight candle but be very careful not to get burned

it was stuck to the wall.

What was stuck to the wall

the desk.

butā€¦ the desk was in the centerā€¦?

How is it stuck to a wall

That would mean that the room isnt the same

/open the cake to remove bomb

/duck for cover

the desk was always at the wall. You talking about the one the clown is seated at?

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/actually scrap that

Hey marg u here

cuz i unlocked a new ability and i want ur opinion?


Im here but uhh


bomb is pressure sensitive dont do dis

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