[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/Be on guard

Clown son! Defeat the oppressors and claim victory!

a mechanical arm grabbed around Poke’s neck, cutting off his air.

Lead the man into fire

Hey, /Swing Scythe hoping to hit him

back away from Gamer

the scythe cut the clown and cut through it: an unholy weapon can only Be combated by a Holy weapon, not just a blessed robot.

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told you I feel unholy


That explains why it could hurt me

Well uhh

*Panics internally

*Panics along with Marg


Can we uhhh delay this fight until like next week

like actually tho. Me want sleep

K cool

Yeah delay this fight until next week and return to the shadows pls

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/Vote to live to fight another day

err, lol.


back to the shadows you go Gamer

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/back to the shadows