[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

“I’m currently with a maniac, unsure if hostile. Girls dead in basement. Fire used to cover tracks.”

‘we have a situation,’ the operator said. ‘There are atleast 20 people, all Minors, believed to be in that house of yours.’

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ah yes, unsure

/Shout "Ive seen one"

Lightsin ran into the room.

“I can confirm around 10. 6 dead or heavily injured.”

ah, go away Light

“A new person arrived, unsure of their status as hostile or friendly.”

Light, join me in the purge

‘Margaret Myers, Simon Mastery, Mara PoisonedSquid, James GamerPoke, Emily FireKitten, Mike Boss110 have confirmed to be in that house. We recovered them,’ the voice droned.

/Shout "commit ambulance"

who that

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‘Can you confirm anyothers?’ The voice asked.

Oh shit

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Lets question this name


“Two other individuals. Unsure of names. Three girls, unsure of their names or current location either. Split up from them after initial encounter to prevent capture.”

The Name’s Lightsin Blisk.

‘Have you seen Simon Lewis, Jem Lightsin. James Carstairs or Mia Roberts?’ Asked the voice.

“A new individual has revealed themselves to be Lightsin Blisk. And yes, I’ve heard James & Mia before. However, in one of the rooms, a video of James being murdered was shown to incite terror.”


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