[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

But… dad. We all know



Fine then. I’ll just kill you. With my bare hands.

Use the fire, you elemental wizard

Wazza im the only one that can bring you back if u try anything funny

the last airbender

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Who cares anymore.

Wanna see how to use fire?

poke stuck his finger into fire, but Dat was the one who had the burnt finger.

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/well yeah im just gonna leave the room

/Follow Dad

poke looked for a chicken, but there wasn’t one.

/keep DatBird here

Stay here. I have an idea.

All I wanted was a freakin Chicken


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Dad, can you revive Isaac pls?

dat left the room.

cant (not here)

/Also leave room since I followed him

dat bonked Poke on the head with the rubrix cube. Pokewas dazed.