[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Sure, past can be past.

Son that ok? Up to you?

My past is still horrible and you arent supposed to be alive

Yes but he got a second chance like you. Let bygones be bygones

I could have killed you. You got a chance, not me

Last chance @Lightsin u gotta convince him otherwise i gotta drop ya

Look man, I forgive you. I made sure Wazza isn’t going to die, so he should be ok coming out of here. It was my only use, so I hope it’ll be good.

Your bestie should come out fine.

i can personally confirm that lightsin is okay here

/looks to gamer Thumbs up or Thumbs down?

Eh, you can just find another exit


Let the man drop!

/drop sorry

Give magnus wants he wants so we can gain his favor

Find another way, boi

I’m working on it

datbird you should have let him up

(i would have died)

poke crushed Lights hand and he fell. The ladder broke.

the ladder is unavailable
objective: Find another way out

Always listen to your savior