[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Also I kinda need to go back for the girl in the basement

cams show no one else alive.
cause thats specifically what i was looking for @Magnus

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Oh ok

that’s correct Simon.

Hey Simon

Give me my stuff back before u jump

too late

Damn it simon

One job

i already Y E E T’d
once you Y E E T you cant go back

But simon

I cancelled your yeet

Gimme my stuff reeeee

There is a weight limit and you’re still over

(He went for a lonely dive)

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Simon and Margaret jumped into the dying light.

Simon and Margaret escaped

oh damn

Simon forced me to go with him


I win. First one to escape right here


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we all win
except boss and poke


I lost as well


I actually escaped as a good boi


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