[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

the door is made of birch wood, as opposedto metal walls.

that would make a lot of sense

im pretty sure.

We need the fire to happen


We need the bomb to explode or to carry the barrel over to the door

/Runs to other room where the bomb is not located

if the fire hits the oil we all die i think

Carry the barrel over to the door


Everyone, get in the other room before I shut the door so we don’t die!

Also, fire needs energy correct. /check to see what the room is made of

/goes to squids location after checking**

the room is made of cold metal, but there is wood in the fire.

oil is the food

/hides with squid and passes them something

Simon, Boss, get over here before I close the door!

We basically got to wait the fire out and for it to burn the door then come back when it runs out of energy

what you passin :eyes:

is that the door to the lab?
what are you going to do in here?

Just a tiny bit of the blue that I picked up before you in case