[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

okay I won’t

the body wont fuze to the knife. thats not how it works

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That would be interesting if that did happen… damn it, not again


Do you go into the next room?


I’m back to being depressed again, grumble grumble
/Go to next room

Simon has the knife now correct?

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/actually i stop to actually use the restroom before moving on
what? its been a couple hours. im nervous

were on to what? the 5th room now?

Can I have my bottle back now

Also there’s ten rooms

doesn’t that mean that soon someone has to die

not if i am still here

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/gives back bottle if theres any left

/takes it

Thank you :slight_smile:


Doesn’t that mean you will stab someone’s who’s dying to heal them

Simon unlocked the title: Pacifist

FireKitten unlocked the title: Traitor

Boss110 Unlocked the title: Survivor

you know it

Awwww, I wanted a title :^)