[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/grab key and look for stuff behind the door

/runs to new door waiting for Fk to open it

Simon is the only one awake. Only he is allowed to speak!

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you had half of the half i took


Dat you didn’t drink it recently.

This is your golden rule in life.

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but yeah is there anything behind the door? actually i guess lets do it in my pm b/c theyre asleep and cant see this

Yeah. Pm it.

You all wake up, confused.

Wtf happened Simon

Is me also asleep? not anymore

Yo, what is going on?

You realise something. Every single one of you is wearing something Identical.

ok so i took a sip of the drug and it helped me stay awake.
the gas was lethal if i hadnt stopped it

good morning!

/where on our bodies?

What are we wearing

Well, thanks for that. I wish I didn’t drink all of my bottle :^)

You are all wearing infernal contraptions on your head. Something you saw in the labs.