[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Does the key i gave Gamer not work

YEs squid u exist. You’re first party.

I’m not in the first party and what I’m being treated differently than Isaac, what is going on?

to prevent confusion it be might for the best to update who is in and who is not in the first party

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No, it doesn’t say I’m part of first party

OKay yea, good idea.

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or datbird cough gamerpoke cough

he could forget to update OP for all we know

/pass out the 4/5 keys to everyone

/unlock helmet

everyone calm down!

Thanks fam
/Unlocks helmet

can I have another key

see now we’re glad we took fk, right?
because otherwise we would have been short 1

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what is going on

no theres not enough you already unlocked right?

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/Unlock Helmet now?

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Someone take a key and unlock Celeste helment

well presumbably she unlocks herself in this scenario

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