@Simon what info you get this time?
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/for the coins, are there any apparent traps?
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the lever leads to the trap door. no idea whats behind it though.
and that its possible for everyone to live
There is no obvious traps with the coins.
oh wait
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Btw ima share my passive, it could be useful
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the coins arent trapped but the fountain is
please do
/reveal passive
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Starting passives
- Team Fortune: Your senses alert you when something is wrong. At the start of each room learn how many traps there are, and the location of one of them.
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That is directorhails starting passive.
So yes the fountain is trapped
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what did you see this time round?
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how many are there
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There are 2 traps in this room.
A trap is triggered upon reaching into the fountain.
hm. okay.
maybe we put the rope in the fountain first?
or use the coin instead
If it’s like a gas trap it won’t help
coins are behinf the waterfall
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Using the coin may be a good idea